Easy and delicious dinner breakfast with eggs, sausage, and home fries !


Easy and delicious dinner breakfast with eggs, sausage, and home fries !

  • Diner breakfast eggs, sausage, and home fries 

    SERVES 2
    PREP TIME: 5 to 10 minutes
    COOK TIME: 15 to 20 minutes
    TOTAL TIME: 20 to 30 minutes

    3 tablespoons cooking fat
    ¼ cup finely diced white onion
    ½ pound ground meat (pork, chicken, turkey)
    ¼ teaspoon dried sage
    ¼ teaspoon salt
    ⅛ teaspoon black pepper
    ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
    1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into large dice
    ½ bell pepper, (any color), seeded, ribs removed, and diced
    4 large eggs, cracked into a bowl

    This all-in-one breakfast would be delicious with some Hollandaise, Ranch Dressing, Chimichurri, or Buffalo Sauce drizzled over the top.

    PREHEAT the oven to 350°F.

    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

    To make the sausage, heat 1 tablespoon of the cooking fat in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. When the fat is hot, add the onion and cook, stirring, for until softened, about 2 minutes.

    TRANSFER the onion to a mixing bowl and add the ground meat, sage, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Form the mixture into 4 equal patties and set the sausage aside.

    TO make the home fries, return the same skillet to the stove and heat over medium-high heat. Melt 1 tablespoon of the cooking fat and swirl to coat the bottom of the pan. When the fat is hot, add the sweet potato and cook, stirring occasionally so all sides make contact with the hot pan, for 4 minutes. Add the bell pepper and cook, stirring, until softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Spread the home fries mixture evenly onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes.

    MEANWHILE, to cook the sausage, return the same skillet to the stove and heat over medium heat. Add the sausage patties and cook until browned, about 2 minutes on each side.

    ADD the sausage to the home fries on the baking sheet. Return to the oven and bake for 5 to 7 minutes, until the sausage is no longer pink in the middle and the home fries are fork-tender.

    MEANWHILE, to cook the eggs, add the remaining 1 tablespoon cooking fat to the same skillet and melt over medium heat. Slide all 4 eggs gently into the pan and let them cook slowly, yolk-side up, until the yolks are cooked but still bright in color, 5 to 8 minutes.

    ARRANGE the sausage patties and home fries on 2 plates. With a spatula, carefully remove the eggs from the pan and either lay them over the home fries or place on the side.

    CRACKING EGGS Having trouble cracking your eggs without breaking the yolk? The key is a brief, sharp tap (not a hard rap) on a sharp surface. The side of your pan or mixing bowl might be too blunt to do the trick, so try a sharp tap with a butter knife, or use a pan or bowl with a more defined edge. And if the yolks do break, no big deal! Just drop them into the pan as-is, and let the yolk cook without mixing or stirring for that fried egg taste.

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